Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why does the holiday season always fly by?? I don't even know where this year has gone...

Well Christian is still not walking... he has taken one step three different times, but he is still more interested in crawling.

This last month has been overly crazy though! He is such a little boy that loves trucks and being a dare devil... he climbs up the stairs when I turn around and then stands up on the balcony and shakes the bars and pretends like he is going to jump down... ug! Scary! And then he loves to play in his room... probably the main reason he goes upstairs so much! He has big tonka trucks that he pushes around his room and he has little cars that he drives around a rug track. Yeah, he is a boy!

We also got the privilege of having another little boy around for a weekend this month! It was so much fun! Tyler and Christian are little buddies that play and mimic each other and just have a great time. It is hard to imagine that anyone would ever only want one child! Tyler and Christian are just 6 months apart and they are just so cute together.... here are some pictures to show it!

High Five Victor!

Ah! Yeah, he likes to be loud!
Happy Boy Tyler!

This is my favorite!! The boys waiting to get into the bath...

Playin in the bath


hehe... that was funny!

Kisses... Christian wasn't too sure about it

playing cars