Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Well Baby Check Up

So yesterday (October 29th) Christian had his nine month well baby check up. WoW! How scary! Everytime I say 9 months it almost makes me want to cry! So as we all know Christian is just fine and nice and healthy! He continues to grow nicely and he is now 20lbs 5ozs. He is getting tall too... already 29 inches!

He also got his last of the hepititis B shots so he is good on shots for another 3 months. He did really good with the shot, barely even fussing. Wow, I remember in the hospital when they had to do that little card with the heel of his foot. I thought all shots would be that bad! Thank God they arent cause if they were I dont think he would get shots. I would be one of those parents that is anti-vaccine for there children.

As for an update on what he is doing these days... he is still not walking, but I keep saying soon. He does a lot of cruising on the furniture and even stands without holding on. He will walk when he is pushing things around the room. Kinda funny though, he walks with his legs spread apart... lol! That is about all for now! He is doing great and is loved more that ever!!


Nana Gator said...

Wow, he is growing up so fast. I thought it was interesting to find out today that Ben also had his 9 months check up the same day and was also 29 inches tall, but weighed over 2 pounds more.

Janese said...

Sounds like he'll be walking really soon. Lucy was about ten months when she took her first steps. She did the frankenstien walk with her arms straight out and her knees locked. hehe. Lucas is really close to crawling. He gets up on his knees and rocks for a little bit and he can go anywhere backwards. He gets really frustrated I think because he is so restless and wants to move around so badly. I think I'm in for a lot of trouble once he does start crawling.
Anyway...that was a long comment. haha. Glad to hear Christian is doing well. :)